$50 for a Week’s Worth Of Dinners

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One week of dinner for $50

Are you tired of trying to make ends meet? Are you tired of trying to pay for groceries but it’s costing you to go without other essentials? Are you tired of trying to figure out how to stretch your food budget?

Millions of Americans across the country are struggling to provide food for their family right now. Things are really tough. Many families are having to decide between putting gas in their car, buying clothes, or getting groceries for their family. The cost of food amongst many other things has skyrocketed in the last several years.

This strain on individuals and families is causing way too much stress. Family should not be working this hard and barely making it. The stress of worry associated with feeding your family shouldn’t be a thing. But it is. Families are working so hard in overtime and it’s still not enough.

All the stress is affecting relationships in all aspects of life. Everyone is in a bad mood, everyone is struggling, and everybody is trying to just get it to the next week. Life should be happy and not so hard.

If you are struggling so bad to try and feed your family, I have put together a list of meals that only cost $50 for an entire week of dinner. Even better if you have leftovers from any of them! The list that I made includes the shopping list and a brief description of each meal.

You can make these meals and do what you want with them or keep them simple to keep the cost down.

The trick is to make multiple meals out of one ingredient per week. This also helps your food budget because you are not buying ingredients that you will not use for the week. You are buying exactly what you need. You will be so surprised at how much you save by sticking to a menu.

If you stick to a menu and closely budget, your food, you will be able to say hundreds of dollars a month! That extra hundred dollars a month could save you from being short on your house payment or car payment. It could help you in a lot of other areas in your life. You would be surprised. How much is your life gets when you stick to a menu and a budget.

Times are really tough right now and you don’t have to suffer as much as you have been! Let me help you.

I remember the days of being a broke single mom and trying to feed my kids. It was absolutely the most stressful experience of my life. Having to choose between feeding my kids. I’m putting gas in my car. I couldn’t work because I didn’t have gas, but I couldn’t feed my kids because I didn’t have money from work. It is crazy how tough things have gotten. I remember the days of being a broke single mom, and trying to feed my kids. It was absolutely the most stressful experience of my life having to choose between feeding my kids and putting gas in my car. I couldn’t work because I didn’t have gas, but I couldn’t feed my kids because I didn’t have money from work. It is crazy how tough things have gotten.

There is no reason that family should be struggling to feed their children. And there are so many ways to do it without sacrificing time and energy. It’s just a simple strategy if you just move things around and stick to a plan, the whole thing gets way easier I have done all of the work for you, so you do not have to worry about it.


Here is the proof that the entire list is $50. Now this isn’t counting for later inflation or food prices in your area. So keep in mind, prices may vary. But this entire list is in the $50 range. That’s cheap for an entire week of dinners!


Now that you’ve seen the proof, let’s look at the meals.


There you have it!

A complete list of dinners plus basic instructions.  

Feel free to adjust the meals according to your family and taste.

Here is the grocery list:


It’s time to start striving instead of just surviving!


I hope this list helps you and your family.

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